My Approach

My Approach to Therapy

Engaged and nonjudgmental, my work is grounded in training and compassion. The type of therapy I practice combines traditional psychology with body-mind approaches. This way of working goes beyond talk therapy by helping insights become embodied. I’ve found it is the most effective approach to creating change that is sustainable.

Holistic therapy integrates a number of approaches that allow me to orient to each client’s needs. Three components of therapy tie these approaches together: psychodynamic theory, somatic (body-oriented) therapy, and mindfulness.

“The soul speaks its truth only under quiet, inviting, and trustworthy conditions.”

 – Parker J. Palmer

Therapy Modalities and Approaches

Psychodynamic therapy

I offer psychodynamic therapy that is relational and incorporates attachment theory and neuroscience. This approach helps us identify patterns and beliefs that create suffering. With guidance, you can gain insight into these patterns and process them so they no longer have the power to highjack your life. This can increase self-confidence and help you build more satisfying relationships. Focusing on strengths and building resources is an important part of this work and rewires neural pathways in a way that supports emotional wellbeing.

Somatic therapy

Somatic psychology utilizes the body-mind connection so therapy goes deeper than the cognitive level. We are often disconnected from our body, which holds a wealth of information about how we feel and what we want, as well as well as experiences that have become stuck in our bodies and nervous systems. Somatic therapy helps us explore situations in a transformative way and build new resources to use in day-to-day life.

Somatic therapy is helpful for healing from painful emotions and difficult childhood experiences, increasing self-awareness, and practicing new ways of being in the world.

Mindfulness-based therapy

Mindfulness is a component of somatic therapy in that it is based on our present moment experience. Therapy from a mindful perspective helps you learn to pause and investigate habitual thoughts and emotions instead of getting trapped in them. You can question negative beliefs you have about yourself and learn how to heal the parts of you that hold these beliefs. Mindfulness-based therapy is particularly helpful for clients who are committed to reducing self-criticism, increasing self-acceptance, and learning compassionate assertiveness.

If you are interested in working together or have any questions, let’s talk